We are sad to report that Alan has lost his fight against many ailments that were plaguing his small body. Alan had just turned a year old and spent many months in the hospital after birth. He was in Marian Medical Center, Stanford, and Cottage Health. The family struggled, missing work and traveling to and from hospitals and medical appointments. He was home when unfortunately, he came down with an illness that he could not recover from. Our hearts go out to his family.
After Alan’s birth, Hearts Aligned provided a new stroller, crib, mattress, and diapers. To ease the stress of driving back and forth to hospitals we provided much-needed gas cards and grocery cards.
Hearts Aligned’s donors helped along with our partner, The Starfish Connection, to provide the needed funds towards the family’s funeral expenses.
Losing a child is one of the most devastating and difficult experiences. Parents are not supposed to lose their child. Unfortunately, childhood critical illnesses, birth defects and traumas may rob parents of their child. Hearts Aligned is committed to providing assistance to those families experiencing such a devastating loss.