

Meet Kimberly Kimberly was a premature baby born at 27 weeks gestation and weighed 1 lb, 13 oz.  Her lungs were underdeveloped, and she was on oxygen for 4 months at Cottage Hospital.  She had a congenital heart defect – Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) – a...


Meet Stella Kristel was just 11 weeks pregnant when she was told her baby would be born with gastroschisis.  Gastroschisis is a birth defect where a hole in the abdominal (belly) wall beside the belly button allows the baby’s intestines to extend outside of the...


 Meet Daniel Daniel’s mom went into labor at 27 weeks pregnant and was quickly rushed to the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center by ambulance from Santa Maria where she had an emergency C-section. Daniel was just over a pound at birth and needed to be fed through...
January 2023 Newsletter

January 2023 Newsletter

  Happy New Year! Last year was our first full year operating as a nonprofit and we are so grateful for all of you. Your support of our mission helped us to launch our operations, providing us the opportunity to support 35 families in Santa Barbara County. We...


Meet Sonny Mom thought that her routine weekly checkup was going to be fine, and looked forward to the day her son would join the family. That dream turned into a nightmare. The doctor could barely detect the baby’s heartbeat and Mom was rushed to the hospital for an...